Contact Us

Who We Are

Our vision is to be a beacon of health and hope in underrepresented communities, where equitable access to high-quality healthcare transforms lives. Through innovative home-based services, we strive to be a trusted partner in empowering individuals to lead fulfilling, healthy lives and to be a model for compassionate, culturally competent, community-centered care nationwide.


Our Founder

Dr. Kortnee Roberson Cooper is a board certified physician in Family Medicine, Obesity Medicine, and Lifestyle Medicine. She specializes in preventative care, obesity medicine, and management of chronic disease conditions. She is the owner and lead physician of Doctor by Design, LLC.

Her passions are community outreach, obesity, health disparities, patient advocacy and HIV prevention and awareness. She also has interests in diversity, underrepresented minorities in medicine, health equity, and initiatives to address social determinants of health.

Interested in Our Services

Feel free to contact us, to discuss next steps.

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